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Antioxidation technology of PCB circuit board

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Antioxidation technology of PCB circuit board

Date of release:2019-12-17 Author:ly Click:

    PCB Proofing Factory introduces circuit board electroplating skills, which are an indispensable part in the processing process of PCB circuit boards , especially in the process of electroplating and anti-oxidation of circuit boards , we need to pay more attention to these necessary details. The problem, because when our products are in use, the use environment of each circuit board is different, so we need to carry out the most comprehensive maintenance of each circuit board, we will carry out different process operations on the circuit board, Such as electroplating and anti-oxidation.

     Comparison of the performance and cost of lead-free equipment electroplating, electroplating is the use of electrolysis to deposit a metal coating with good adhesion on mechanical products, but with different functions and base materials. The electroplating layer is more uniform than the hot-dip layer, and is generally thinner, ranging from several microns to tens of microns. After electroplating, decorative maintenance and various functional surface layers can be obtained on mechanical products, and workpieces that are worn and processed incorrectly can also be repaired. Most of the coatings are single metal or alloy, such as titanium target, zinc, cadmium, gold or brass, bronze, etc.; there are also dispersed layers, such as nickel-silicon carbide, nickel-fluorinated graphite, etc.; and cladding layers, such as steel copper-nickel-chromium layer on steel, silver-indium layer on steel, etc. In lead-free electroplating, there are generally five types of electroplating layers.

pcb single layer board

Analysis of the external coating of the circuit board

  By researching existing data and evaluating the electronics industry through interactions with well-known organizations such as iNEMI and JEDEC, any equipment manufacturer can select a few of the many lead-free plating solutions. ON Semiconductor primarily considered five external coatings, each with advantages and disadvantages. The five external coatings include: tin-silver (Sn-Ag) coating, tin-bismuth (Sn-Bi) coating, tin-copper (Sn-Cu) coating, pre-plated nickel-palladium-gold (Ni-Pd-Au) ) lead structure and pure matte tin (Puremattetin) plating.

The address of this article:http://www.retirewealthnetwork.com/en/news/393.html

Key word:Multilayercircuitboard,Connectthekeypad,circuitboard

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